Ameana, esta mulher já meio gasta, ousou propor-me cobrar dez mil sestércios, ela,
com seu pequeno nariz disforme, amiga do endividado Formiano.
Parentes encarregados de cuidar desta mulher, convocai médicos e amigos: por que
esta pobre mulher está doente. Não me perguntem o que ela tem: ela está tendo
N.B. Catullus' advice that a doctor should be called was very accurate. This poor
woman may have had syphilis. A saddle-nose deformity and ideas of greatness are
symptoms of syphilis in an advanced state (formerly called 'tertiary').
It is very important to notice that this disease is usually said to have appeared in
Europe only in the XV century becoming thereafter one of the scourges of the Middle
Age. Catullus' warning was almost twenty centuries in advance!