Carmen 64 |
Peliaco quondam prognatae vertice pinus
dicuntur liquidas Neptuni nasse per undas
Phasidos ad fluctus et fines Aeetaeos,
cum lecti iuvenes, Argivae robora pubis,
auratam optantes Colchis avertere pellem
ausi sunt vada salsa cita decurrere puppi,
caerula verrentes abiegnis aequora palmis.
diva quibus retinens in summis urbibus arces
ipsa levi fecit volitantem flamine currum,
pinea coniungens inflexae texta carinae.
illa rudem cursu prima imbuit Amphitriten;
quae simul ac rostro ventosum proscidit aequor
tortaque remigio spumis incanuit unda,
emersere freti candenti e gurgite vultus
aequoreae monstrum Nereides admirantes.
illa, atque alia, viderunt luce marinas
mortales oculis nudato corpore Nymphas
nutricum tenus exstantes e gurgite cano.
tum Thetidis Peleus incensus fertur amore,
tum Thetis humanos non despexit hymenaeos,
tum Thetidi pater ipse iugandum Pelea sensit.
o nimis optato saeclorum tempore nati
heroes, salvete, deum genus! o bona matrum
progenies, salvete iter...
vos ego saepe, meo vos carmine compellabo.
teque adeo eximie taedis felicibus aucte,
Thessaliae columen Peleu, cui Iuppiter ipse,
ipse suos divum genitor concessit amores;
tene Thetis tenuit pulcerrima Nereine?
tene suam Tethys concessit ducere neptem,
Oceanusque, mari totum qui amplectitur orbem?
quae simul optatae finito tempore luces
aduenere, domum conventu tota frequentat
Thessalia, oppletur laetanti regia coetu:
dona ferunt prae se, declarant gaudia vultu.
deseritur Cieros, linquunt Pthiotica Tempe
Crannonisque domos ac moenia Larisaea,
Pharsalum coeunt, Pharsalia tecta frequentant.
rura colit nemo, mollescunt colla iuvencis,
non humilis curuis purgatur vinea rastris,
non glebam prono conuellit vomere taurus,
non falx attenuat frondatorum arboris umbram,
squalida desertis rubigo infertur aratris.
ipsius at sedes, quacumque opulenta recessit
regia, fulgenti splendent auro atque argento.
candet ebur soliis, collucent pocula mensae,
tota domus gaudet regali splendida gaza.
puluinar vero divae geniale locatur
sedibus in mediis, Indo quod dente politum
tincta tegit roseo conchyli purpura fuco.
haec vestis priscis hominum uariata figuris
heroum mira virtutes indicat arte.
namque fluentisono prospectans litore Diae,
Thesea cedentem celeri cum classe tuetur
indomitos in corde gerens Ariadna furores,
necdum etiam sese quae visit visere credit,
utpote fallaci quae tum primum excita somno
desertam in sola miseram se cernat harena.
immemor at iuvenis fugiens pellit uada remis,
irrita ventosae linquens promissa procellae.
quem procul ex alga maestis Minois ocellis,
saxea ut effigies bacchantis, prospicit, eheu,
prospicit et magnis curarum fluctuat undis,
non flavo retinens subtilem vertice mitram,
non contecta levi uelatum pectus amictu,
non tereti strophio lactentis vincta papillas,
omnia quae toto delapsa e corpore passim
ipsius ante pedes fluctus salis alludebant.
sed neque tum mitrae neque tum fluitantis amictus
illa vicem curans toto ex te pectore, Theseu,
toto animo, tota pendebat perdita mente.
misera, assiduis quam luctibus externauit
spinosas Erycina serens in pectore curas,
illa tempestate, ferox quo ex tempore Theseus
egressus curuis e litoribus Piraei
attigit iniusti regis Gortynia templa.
nam perhibent olim crudeli peste coactam
Androgeoneae poenas exsoluere caedis
electos ivuenes simul et decus innuptarum
Cecropiam solitam esse dapem dare Minotauro.
quis angusta malis cum moenia uexarentur,
ipse suum Theseus pro caris corpus Athenis
proicere optauit potius quam talia Cretam
funera Cecropiae nec funera portarentur.
atque ita nave leui nitens ac lenibus auris
magnanimum ad Minoa venit sedesque superbas.
hunc simul ac cupido conspexit lumine uirgo
regia, quam suauis exspirans castus odores
lectulus in molli complexu matris alebat,
quales Eurotae praecingunt flumina myrtus
aurave distinctos educit verna colores,
non prius ex illo flagrantia declinauit
lumina, quam cuncto concepit corpore flammam
funditus atque imis exarsit tota medullis.
heu misere exagitans immiti corde furores
sancte puer, curis hominum qui gaudia misces,
quaeque regis Golgos quaeque Idalium frondosum,
qualibus incensam iactastis mente puellam
fluctibus, in flavo saepe hospite suspirantem!
quantos illa tulit languenti corde timores!
quanto saepe magis fulgore expalluit auri,
cum saevum cupiens contra contendere monstrum
aut mortem appeteret Theseus aut praemia laudis!
non ingrata tamen frustra munuscula divis
promittens tacito succepit vota labello.
nam velut in summo quatientem brachia Tauro
quercum aut conigeram sudanti cortice pinum
indomitus turbo contorquens flamine robur,
eruit (illa procul radicitus exturbata
prona cadit, late quaevis cumque obuia frangens,)
sic domito saeuum prostravit corpore Theseus
nequiquam vanis iactantem cornua ventis.
inde pedem sospes multa cum laude reflexit
errabunda regens tenui vestigia filo,
ne labyrintheis e flexibus egredientem
tecti frustraretur inobseruabilis error.
sed quid ego a primo digressus carmine plura
commemorem, ut linquens genitoris filia vultum,
ut consanguineae complexum, ut denique matris,
quae misera in gnata deperdita laeta
omnibus his Thesei dulcem praeoptarit amorem:
venerit aut ut vecta rati spumosa ad litora Diae
aut ut eam devinctam lumina somno
liquerit immemori discedens pectore coniunx?
saepe illam perhibent ardenti corde furentem
clarisonas imo fudisse e pectore voces,
ac tum praeruptos tristem conscendere montes,
unde aciem pelagi vastos protenderet aestus,
tum tremuli salis aduersas procurrere in undas
mollia nudatae tollentem tegmina surae,
atque haec extremis maestam dixisse querellis,
frigidulos udo singultus ore cientem:
'sicine me patriis auectam, perfide, ab aris
perfide, deserto liquisti in litore, Theseu?
sicine discedens neglecto numine divum,
immemor a! devota domum periuria portas?
nullane res potuit crudelis flectere mentis
consilium? tibi nulla fuit clementia praesto,
immite ut nostri vellet miserescere pectus?
at non haec quondam blanda promissa dedisti
voce mihi, non haec miserae sperare iubebas,
sed conubia laeta, sed optatos hymenaeos,
quae cuncta aereii discerpunt irrita uenti.
nunc iam nulla uiro iuranti femina credat,
nulla uiri speret sermones esse fideles;
quis dum aliquid cupiens animus praegestit apisci,
nil metuunt iurare, nihil promittere parcunt:
sed simul ac cupidae mentis satiata libido est,
dicta nihil metuere, nihil periuria curant.
certe ego te in medio versantem turbine leti
eripui, et potius germanum amittere creui,
quam tibi fallaci supremo in tempore dessem.
pro quo dilaceranda feris dabor alitibusque
praeda, neque iniacta tumulabor mortua terra.
quaenam te genuit sola sub rupe leaena,
quod mare conceptum spumantibus exspuit undis,
quae Syrtis, quae Scylla rapax, quae vasta Carybdis,
talia qui reddis pro dulci praemia uita?
si tibi non cordi fuerant conubia nostra,
saeua quod horrebas prisci praecepta parentis,
attamen in uestras potuisti ducere sedes,
quae tibi iucundo famularer serua labore,
candida permulcens liquidis vestigia lymphis,
purpureaue tuum consternens veste cubile.
sed quid ego ignaris nequiquam conquerar auris,
externata malo, quae nullis sensibus auctae
nec missas audire queunt nec reddere voces?
ille autem prope iam mediis versatur in undis,
nec quisquam apparet vacua mortalis in alga.
sic nimis insultans extremo tempore saeva
fors etiam nostris inuidit questibus auris.
Iuppiter omnipotens, utinam ne tempore primo
Gnosia Cecropiae tetigissent litora puppes,
indomito nec dira ferens stipendia tauro
perfidus in Cretam religasset navita funem,
nec malus hic celans dulci crudelia forma
consilia in nostris requiesset sedibus hospes!
nam quo me referam? quali spe perdita nitor?
Idaeosne petam montes? at gurgite lato
discernens ponti truculentum dividit aequor.
an patris auxilium sperem? quemne ipsa reliqui
respersum iuvenem fraterna caede secuta?
coniugis an fido consoler memet amore?
quine fugit lentos incurvans gurgite remos?
praeterea nullo colitur sola insula tecto,
nec patet egressus pelagi cingentibus undis.
nulla fugae ratio, nulla spes: omnia muta,
omnia sunt deserta, ostentant omnia letum.
non tamen ante mihi languescent lumina morte,
nec prius a fesso secedent corpore sensus,
quam iustam a diuis exposcam prodita multam
caelestumque fidem postrema comprecer hora.
quare facta uirum multantes vindice poena
Eumenides, quibus anguino redimita capillo
frons exspirantis praeportat pectoris iras,
huc huc adventate, meas audite querellas,
quas ego, vae misera, extremis proferre medullis
cogor inops, ardens, amenti caeca furore.
quae quoniam verae nascuntur pectore ab imo,
vos nolite pati nostrum vanescere luctum,
sed quali solam Theseus me mente reliquit,
tali mente, deae, funestet seque suosque.'
has postquam maesto profudit pectore uoces,
supplicium saevis exposcens anxia factis,
annuit inuicto caelestum numine rector;
quo motu tellus atque horrida contremuerunt
aequora concussitque micantia sidera mundus.
ipse autem caeca mentem caligine Theseus
consitus oblito dimisit pectore cuncta,
quae mandata prius constanti mente tenebat,
dulcia nec maesto sustollens signa parenti
sospitem Erechtheum se ostendit visere portum.
namque ferunt olim, classi cum moenia divae
linquentem gnatum ventis concrederet Aegeus,
talia complexum iuveni mandata dedisse:
'gnate mihi longa iucundior unice vita,
gnate, ego quem in dubios cogor dimittere casus,
reddite in extrema nuper mihi fine senectae,
quandoquidem fortuna mea ac tua fervida virtus
eripit inuito mihi te, cui languida nondum
lumina sunt gnati cara saturata figura,
non ego te gaudens laetanti pectore mittam,
nec te ferre sinam fortunae signa secundae,
sed primum multas expromam mente querellas,
canitiem terra atque infuso pulvere foedans,
inde infecta uago suspendam lintea malo,
nostros ut luctus nostraeque incendia mentis
carbasus obscurata dicet ferrugine Hibera.
quod tibi si sancti concesserit incola Itoni,
quae nostrum genus ac sedes defendere Erecthei
annuit, ut tauri respergas sanguine dextram,
tum vero facito ut memori tibi condita corde
haec uigeant mandata, nec ulla oblitteret aetas;
ut simul ac nostros invisent lumina collis,
funestam antennae deponant undique vestem,
candidaque intorti sustollant vela rudentes,
quam primum cernens ut laeta gaudia mente
agnoscam, cum te reducem aetas prospera sistet.'
haec mandata prius constanti mente tenentem
Thesea ceu pulsae ventorum flamine nubes
aereum nivei montis liquere cacumen.
at pater, ut summa prospectum ex arce petebat,
anxia in assiduos absumens lumina fletus,
cum primum infecti conspexit lintea ueli,
praecipitem sese scopulorum e vertice iecit,
amissum credens immiti Thesea fato.
sic funesta domus ingressus tecta paterna
morte ferox Theseus, qualem Minoidi luctum
obtulerat mente immemori, talem ipse recepit.
quae tum prospectans cedentem maesta carinam
multiplices animo voluebat saucia curas.
at parte ex alia florens volitabat Iacchus
cum thiaso Satyrorum et Nysigenis Silenis,
te quaerens, Ariadna, tuoque incensus amore.
. . . . . . . . . . .
quae tum alacres passim lymphata mente furebant
euhoe bacchantes, euhoe capita inflectentes.
harum pars tecta quatiebant cuspide thyrsos,
pars e divolso iactabant membra iuvenco,
pars sese tortis serpentibus incingebant,
pars obscura cavis celebrabant orgia cistis,
orgia quae frustra cupiunt audire profani;
plangebant aliae proceris tympana palmis,
aut tereti tenvis tinnitus aere ciebant;
multis raucisonos efflabant cornua bombos
barbaraque horribili stridebat tibia cantu.
talibus amplifice vestis decorata figuris
puluinar complexa suo velabat amictu.
quae postquam cupide spectando Thessala pubes
expleta est, sanctis coepit decedere divis.
hic, qualis flatu placidum mare matutino
horrificans Zephyrus proclivas incitat undas,
Aurora exoriente vagi sub limina Solis,
quae tarde primum clementi flamine pulsae
procedunt leviterque sonant plangore cachinni,
post vento crescente magis magis increbescunt,
purpureaque procul nantes ab luce refulgent:
sic tum vestibuli linquentes regia tecta
ad se quisque vago passim pede discedebant.
quorum post abitum princeps e vertice Pelei
advenit Chiron portans siluestria dona:
nam quoscumque ferunt campi, quos Thessala magnis
montibus ora creat, quos propter fluminis undas
aura parit flores tepidi fecunda Favoni,
hos indistinctis plexos tulit ipse corollis,
quo permulsa domus iucundo risit odore.
confestim Penios adest, viridantia Tempe,
Tempe, quae silvae cingunt super impendentes,
Minosim linquens doris celebranda choreis,
non vacuos: namque ille tulit radicitus altas
fagos ac recto proceras stipite laurus,
non sine nutanti platano lentaque sorore
flammati Phaethontis et aerea cupressu.
haec circum sedes late contexta locauit,
vestibulum ut molli velatum fronde vireret.
post hunc consequitur sollerti corde Prometheus,
extenuata gerens veteris vestigia poenae,
quam quondam silici restrictus membra catena
persoluit pendens e verticibus praeruptis.
inde pater diuum sancta cum coniuge natisque
advenit caelo, te solum, Phoebe, relinquens
unigenamque simul cultricem montibus Idri:
Pelea nam tecum pariter soror aspernata est,
nec Thetidis taedas voluit celebrare iugales.
qui postquam niveis flexerunt sedibus artus
large multiplici constructae sunt dape mensae,
cum interea infirmo quatientes corpora motu
veridicos Parcae coeperunt edere cantus.
his corpus tremulum complectens undique vestis
candida purpurea talos incinxerat ora,
at roseae niveo residebant vertice vittae,
aeternumque manus carpebant rite laborem.
laeua colum molli lana retinebat amictum,
dextera tum leviter deducens fila supinis
formabat digitis, tum prono in pollice torquens
libratum tereti versabat turbine fusum,
atque ita decerpens aequabat semper opus dens,
laneaque aridulis haerebant morsa labellis,
quae prius in leui fuerant exstantia filo:
ante pedes autem candentis mollia lanae
vellera uirgati custodibant calathisci.
haec tum clarisona pellentes vellera voce
talia divino fuderunt carmine fata,
carmine, perfidiae quod post nulla arguet aetas.
o decus eximium magnis virtutibus augens,
Emathiae tutamen, Opis carissime nato,
accipe, quod laeta tibi pandunt luce sorores,
veridicum oraclum: sed uos, quae fata sequuntur,
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
adveniet tibi iam portans optata maritis
Hesperus, adveniet fausto cum sidere coniunx,
quae tibi flexanimo mentem perfundat amore,
languidulosque paret tecum coniungere somnos,
leuia substernens robusto bracchia collo.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
nulla domus tales umquam contexit amores,
nullus amor tali coniunxit foedere amantes,
qualis adest Thetidi, qualis concordia Peleo.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
nascetur vobis expers terroris Achilles,
hostibus haud tergo, sed forti pectore notus,
qui persaepe vago victor certamine cursus
flammea praeuertet celeris vestigia ceruae.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
non illi quisquam bello se conferet heros,
cum Phrygii Teucro manabunt sanguine
Troicaque obsidens longinquo moenia bello,
periuri Pelopis vastabit tertius heres.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
illius egregias virtutes claraque facta
saepe fatebuntur gnatorum in funere matres,
cum incultum cano solvent a uertice crinem,
putridaque infirmis variabunt pectora palmis.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
namque velut densas praecerpens messor aristas
sole sub ardenti flauentia demetit arua,
Troiugenum infesto prosternet corpora ferro.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
testis erit magnis virtutibus unda Scamandri,
quae passim rapido diffunditur Hellesponto,
cuius iter caesis angustans corporum aceruis
alta tepefaciet permixta flumina caede.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
denique testis erit morti quoque reddita praeda,
cum teres excelso coaceruatum aggere bustum
excipiet niveos perculsae virginis artus.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
nam simul ac fessis dederit fors copiam Achiuis
urbis Dardaniae Neptunia solvere uincla,
alta Polyxenia madefient caede sepulcra;
quae, velut ancipiti succumbens victima ferro,
proiciet truncum summisso poplite corpus.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
quare agite optatos animi coniungite amores.
accipiat coniunx felici foedere diuam,
dedatur cupido iam dudum nupta marito.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
non illam nutrix orienti luce revisens
hesterno collum poterit circumdare filo,
anxia nec mater discordis maesta puellae
secubitu caros mittet sperare nepotes.
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.
talia praefantes quondam felicia Pelei
carmina divino cecinerunt pectore Parcae.
praesentes namque ante domos invisere castas
heroum, et sese mortali ostendere coetu,
caelicolae nondum spreta pietate solebant.
saepe pater divum templo in fulgente reuisens,
annua cum festis venissent sacra diebus,
conspexit terra centum procumbere tauros.
saepe uagus Liber Parnasi vertice summo
Thyiadas effusis evantis crinibus egit,
cum Delphi tota certatim ex urbe ruentes
acciperent laeti divum fumantibus aris.
saepe in letifero belli certamine Mauors
aut rapidi Tritonis era aut Amarunsia virgo
armatas hominum est praesens hortata cateruas.
sed postquam tellus scelere est imbuta nefando
iustitiamque omnes cupida de mente fugarunt,
perfudere manus fraterno sanguine fratres,
destitit extinctos gnatus lugere parentes,
optauit genitor primaeui funera nati,
liber ut innuptae poteretur flore novercae,
ignaro mater substernens se impia nato
impia non verita est diuos scelerare penates.
omnia fanda nefanda malo permixta furore
iustificam nobis mentem avertere deorum.
quare nec talis dignantur visere coetus,
nec se contingi patiuntur lumine claro.
The pine trees erstwhile grown on Mt. Pelion's summit are
said to have floated on Neptune's clear waves to Phasis,
Aeëtean land, when the fittest young men, the glory of
Argive manpower, dared travel over the sea's briny waters on
a rapidly moving ship as they swept the deep blue expanse
with wooden oars, because they hoped to steal the Golden
Fleece from Colchis. Athena Polias, holding fast the
citadels on the cities' summits for the Argonauts, made a
ship that moves rapidly with a light gust of wind, joining
pinewood frameworks for a curved keel. The Argo first
drenched the virgin sea with its travel; as soon as it
plowed with its beak the windy sea and the waves, white with
spume and spun in an eddy by the rowing, the maritime
Nereids raised their faces from the sparkling whirlpool of
the sea in admiration of the sight. The men saw by one and
no other light these mermaids in the nude, stand nipple-naked
in the grey-green swell. Then Peleus, inflamed,
is carried away in love with Thetis, then Thetis does not
scorn human marriage, then her father himself understands
that Peleus must be joined to Thetis. O heroes, born in a
time much desired by the generations, and kin of the gods,
you hail! Good daughter of good mothers, hail again! I'll
address you often in my song. And Peleus, are you the top
man of Thessaly, so especially honored with prosperous
wedding torches, to whom Jupiter himself, himself the father
of the gods, gave his mistress? Did Thetis, the lovely
Nereid, embrace you? Did Tethys and Oceanus, who in the sea
embrace the whole world, grant you their granddaughter to
marry? Then on that very same longed for day, all of
Thessaly thronged to come together to the house, and the
palace was filled with rejoicing crowds: they bore gifts
before themselves and made their delights known by their
countenance. They left Cieros; they left Phthiotic Tempe,
the houses of Crannon and walls of Larisa; they came
together at Pharsalus and filled Pharsalian houses. As
nobody lived in the hinterland, the necks of young bulls had
become soft, the low grapevines hadn't been cleared out with
curved hoes, no bull was tugging at the earth with a sloping
plowshare, no foliage tenders' knives pared down the shadow
of a tree, but rust had been accumulating filth on the
lonely plows. Yet Peleus' home, wherever the opulent palace
extended, was shining with gleaming gold and silver. Ivory
was shining on the thrones, drinking cups were shining on
the table, and the whole house, glittering, rejoiced in the
royal treasure. In the middle of the house there had been
placed, indeed for a godly bride, a marriage couch gleaming
with Indian ivory and covered by porphyry with figures of
Archaic folk, showing with delicate handiwork the rugged
virtue of the heroes. But gazing out from the shore of
Naxos, which resounds with the noise of the sea, Ariadne
watched Theseus' departure by rapid fleet. She has been
bearing untamed passions in her breast, but even now she
doesn't yet believe she sees the things she views; this is
no wonder, since she, then for the first time roused from
deceptive sleep, perceives herself unhappily abandoned on a
lonely beach. But the heedless young man beats the waters of
the sea as he slips off, leaving the empty promises of a
windy gale behind. Ariadne with sad eyes looks at him from
afar, from the rocky seaweed, like a statue of a Maenad.
Alas! She looks at him from afar in turmoil over torrents of
cares, and she fails to hold fast the fine textured
headdress around her blonde hair; her sheer cloak exposes a
breast it no longer veils; and her smooth brassiere no
longer keeps her milk white breasts in bondage. The sea's
waves were playing with everything that had fallen off
Ariadne's body dispersedly before her feet. But, Theseus,
while she was caring for the plight of neither her headdress
nor her flowing cloak, she who is doomed has been depending
on you with all her heart, all her spirit, and all her mind.
O wretched woman, whom Venus has maddened with unremitting
sorrows by sowing in your heart thorny cares since that time
when Theseus, having left the curvaceous shores of Piraeus,
boldly touched upon the Cretan palace and grounds of an
unjust king! They say that Athens, once upon a time
compelled by the cruel Plague to pay penalties for the
killing of Androgeon, was accustomed to giving the Minotaur
select young men as well as the flower of unwed young women
as a sacrificial meal. When the narrow walls were harried by
their woes, Theseus himself wished to fling forth his body
for dear Athens to keep such living corpses of Athens from
being carried to Crete. And so, pressing on in a light boat
and gentle breezes, he comes to great hearted Minos and his
proud places. As soon as royal Ariadne caught sight of him
in a desirous light, the chaste little bed, emitting sweet
fragrances, nursed her in her mother's soft embrace; the
fragrances were like the smell of the myrtles that surround
Eurotas' streams, or the various shades of flowers borne by
the breeze of spring. No sooner than she had lowered some
desirous eyes from Theseus did she catch a flame in her
whole body and blaze up completely from the depth of her
marrow. Alas! Stirring up passions with a pitiless heart, O
Cupid, you mix people's joys with their cares and bring
disastrous results; and you, Venus, who rule lush Idalium,
with such tears have you tormented an inflamed young woman's
mind, for how often she sighs over fair haired Theseus! How
many anxieties has she brought my fainting heart! By how
much more than the color of gold did she often blanch when
Theseus sought either death or the spoils of praise as he
vowed to fight the Minotaur! Promising gifts not in vain and
not unwelcome to the gods, she took up her prayers with
sealed lips. Just as a tree trunk, agitating violently on
the summit of Bull Ridge because of a whirlwind gust,
uproots an oak tree whose bark leaks sap (it falls, roots
and all, driven forcibly out and leaning forth a great
distance, upon far and wide breaking everything in its
path), so Theseus, subdued in body, lay low the beast, who
threw up his horns in vain at the empty winds. From that
point, with much praise, Theseus safely bent back his foot
as he directed his wandering footsteps with a thin string,
lest an undetectable mistake baffle him as he exits the
tortuous turnings of the house. Having digressed from the
first poem, what more shall I recall: how a daughter,
leaving behind the countenance of her father, the embrace of
her sister Phaedra, and finally the embrace of her mother
Pasiphaë, who loved her ill fated daughter to distraction,
chose Theseus' sweet love over all these things; or how,
conveyed by boat, she came to the frothy shores of Nexos; or
how her husband Theseus with heedless heart left her behind,
her eyes bound in sleep as he departed? They often say that
she, raving from a blazing heart, had uttered shrill oaths
from the bottom of her breast, and then that the unhappy
woman climbed steep mountains from which to extend her gaze
into the desolate swell of the sea, and then that she rolled
forth into the waves of the splashing sea that faced her as
she raised the voluptuous coverings from her denuded calf,
and that she had said these unhappy words, her final
lamentation: "Treacherous, treacherous Theseus! Is this the
way you abandon me, who was carried off from patriarchal
altars, onto the lonely shore? Feckless man, have you run
away because you thought the gods' heavenly powers
inconsequential? Are you coming home to bear unholy
perjuries? Could nothing divert the deliberations of a cruel
mind? Did you have no mercy available for your implacable
heart to wish me tenderness? Yet you did not formerly give
me these assurances with a sweet voice, and you were not
bidding me, who was unhappy, to anticipate these things, but
the airy winds tear to pieces a desired marriage and a happy
wedding, the whole of which is null and void. Even now, may
no woman put faith in a man who swears by oath, and may no
woman trust that a man's discourses are worthy of trust;
while the mind of men, when it desires, is especially eager
to obtain something, the men are by no means loath to swear
by oath and by no means refrain from promises: but as soon
as the desirous mind's lust has been satisfied, by no means
do men fear what has been said, and by no means do they care
about their breaches of oath! Certainly I snatched you away
as you were tossing and turning in the middle of death's
maelstrom, and I decided to lose a brother rather than fail
you at a critical and treacherous time. For the which I
shall be given as prey to be torn piecemeal by birds and
beasts, and when I have died, I shall not be covered with a
burial mound! What lioness gave birth to you from her lonely
crag? What sea, conceived by foaming waves, has spit you
out? What Syrtis, what predatory Scylla, what endless
Charybdis gave you birth, you who return such rewards for
living sweet? Though I have known since you shuddered at the
stern orders of your old fashioned parents that you had been
scorning our wedding all along, you nevertheless were able
to bring me home to wait on you in delightful labor as your
servant, refreshing your pale feet with clear water and
covering your bed with the purple bedspread. Furthermore,
right about now Theseus is tossing and turning amid the
waves, and no human form appears among the vast seaweed.
Thus, cruelly mocking me this final time, even stern Fortune
has been begrudging of her ear to my complaints. Almighty
Jupiter, I wish that the sterns of ships had never touched
the Cretan and Athenian shores and that the treacherous
sailor who bears into Crete his gruesome payments to a wild
bull had not untied the hawser of his ship, and that this
malicious guest, hiding cruel purposes with sweet
comportment, had not found rest in my home! Where shall I
return? For what hope shall I, who am lost, ever strive?
Shall I seek Mt. Ida? No, because as it makes a separation
with a broad, swirling mass of water, it divides the
ferocious sea from the bridge. Can it be that I was supposed
to hope for my father's help? Which young man have I let
splatter on my brother's murder? Is it that I am supposed to
take comfort in my husband's devoted love for me? Who is it
taking flight, bending pliant oars into the sea? Moreover,
no house inhabits the lonely island, and no exit from the
sea lies open, thanks to the surrounding waves. There is no
escape, and no hope for one: everything has changed,
everything has been deserted, and everything exhibits death;
nevertheless, my eyes will not grow feeble with death, and
my senses will not withdraw from my exhausted body, until I,
who've been abandoned, demand a stiff penalty from the gods
and invoke the trust of the gods in my final hour.
Wherefore, you Furies, who penalize the deeds of men with
avenging punishment, and whose foreheads, wreathed in
serpentine hair, display the breathing ire of your hearts,
approach, approach to this place, and hear my complaints,
which - alas! - I, miserable and powerless, must speak from
deep inside myself as I burn, blind with demented rage!
Since these complaints are truly borne from the bottom of my
heart, do not let my lamentation be ineffectual, but pollute
Theseus and his kinsmen with the state of mind wherein he
left me when he abandoned me, ye Goddesses!" After she
poured these words forth from her unhappy heart, eagerly
demanding reparations for savage deeds, the gods' ruler,
with unvanquished power, consented, wherefore the earth and
the wild seas violently trembled, and the heavens shook the
twinkling stars. Furthermore, his mind beset by blinding
darkness, Theseus, himself absent of mind, transgressed
every command he'd resolutely honored hitherto, and had
forgotten to gladden his worried father when he failed to
show that his voyage to the Piraeus had been safe. They say
that when to the winds Aegeus entrusted his son, who, upon
showing esteem for the walls of Athens, was leaving them by
fleet, he had given the young man orders of this ilk: "My
only son, more delightful to me than long life, my son, whom
I'm compelled to lower to perilous plights, returned to me
at the dusk of my age, since my fortune and your passionate
courage snatch you away from me against my wishes, I whose
eyes, weak with old age, have not yet been sated by the dear
aspect of my son, neither rejoicing with happy heart shall I
let you go, nor shall I allow you to accept the signs of
favorable fortune, but that first I shall express the many
laments in my mind as I foul my gray hair with dirt and sand
poured thereon, and therefrom I'll suspend dyed sails from a
roaming mast, that a Spanish sail, darkened to rust, shall
bespeak my sorrows and agonies of mind. But if Athena of
sacred Itonus, who has agreed to defend our family and the
seats of Erectheus, has granted that you spatter your right
hand with the blood of a bull, then bring it about that
these orders shall flourish in your mindful heart, and that
no generation shall cause them to be forgotten; that as soon
as your eyes look upon our hills, the yardarms from all
directions shall put away the black dyed sail, and the
twisted ropes shall raise the white sails; and that,
distinguishing them as soon as possible, I shall recognize
glory with a happy mind when the happy day presents you once
again to me." These orders, earlier held in his resolute
mind, left Theseus as clouds, pushed by a gust of the winds,
abandon the airy tip of a snowy mountain. But his father, as
he sought a view from the top of the citadel and wasted away
his anxious eyes in unremitting sobs, and as soon as he
caught sight of the cloth of the dyed sails, threw himself
headfirst from the summit of the projecting rocks because he
believed that Theseus had succumbed to a violent end. Then
she, afflicted and sad, caused varied concerns to roll in
her mind by gazing out at the ship as it left. But from
another part of the quilt, Bacchus, in the glory of his
youth, has been flying about, along with his troupe of
Satyrs and his attendants from Mt. Nysa, looking for you,
Ariadne, and inflamed by your love. The Maenads have raved
for Bacchus dispersedly, with frenzied mind, euhoe! The
Maenads, euhoe, are throwing back their heads! Some of them
were shaking spears with a covered tip, some were tossing
about the limbs of a bullock which had been torn apart, some
were wrapping themselves with twisted serpents, and some
were honoring esoteric icons with hollow wicker boxes, icons
about which the uninitiated long in vain to hear; others
were beating tomtoms with long palms or producing tinny,
clangorous sounds with polished bronze; for many, horns
blasted harsh sounding, booming bass sounds; and an
outlandish pipe made a strident shriek and played a dreadful
song. The bedspread, splendidly decorated with such figures,
having clasped the bed, was covering it with its vesture.
After the Thessalian men have been satisfied with looking
eagerly at these scenes, they begin to make way for the
inviolate gods. Then, as the West Wind, ruf fling the placid
sea with its morning breath, sends the waves tumbling forth
as the goddess of Dawn rises up under the threshold of the
rising sun; the waves, at first brushed back by a gentle
breeze, move forward and liltingly sound with the gentle
beat of laughter; and afterwards, with a growing wind, they
intensify more and more; and, as they float, they gleam to a
great distance from the rosy light; so then, with roaming
foot, each person leaving the forecourt's royal chambers
scattered for home. After the guests' departure, Chiron
first of all came from the top of Mt. Peleus, bearing gifts
of the forest: for whatever flowers the fields bear,
whatever flowers the region of Thessaly, with great
mountains, produces, whatever flowers the fertile breeze of
a warm zephyr by the river waves supplies, he himself bore
them, plaited with an assortment of small wreaths, and the
house laughed, having been refreshed by their delightful
fragrance. Not empty handed, Penios is immediately present,
leaving the green Tempe valley, which everywhere the woods
surround from above, to be filled with Doric dancers as if
at the touch of Minos: for he has brought, roots and all,
tall beech trees and lofty laurels with straight trunks, a
waving plane tree, a supple poplar (the sister of Phaëthon,
who burns), and a towering cypress. He placed these things,
arranged far and wide around the palace of Peleus, that the
covered forecourt might be verdant with voluptuous foliage.
Behind him, Prometheus follows, ingenious of heart,
inconspicuously bearing the scars of an ancient debt, paid
with his limbs tied back to a rock as he hung from the steep
summits. Then, the father of the gods, along with his sacred
wife and his children, came through the sky, leaving you lonely,
Apollo, and leaving your twin sister, who is at the same
time the local goddess of the mountains of Idrus: for along
with you, your sister has likewise spurned Peleus and not
wished to celebrate the wedding of Thetis. Jupiter and Juno
sat on ivory chairs, and the tables were piled high with
various food, when the Moirai began to yield truth telling
songs as they shook their bodies with a feeble motion in the
meantime. White robes with purple hems wrapped the Moirai's
ankles and hugged their gyrating bodies throughout, but red
headbands remained fastened to their white hair, and their
hands duly pressed on with their everlasting toil. Her left
hand held a distaff wrapped in soft wool, and then her right
hand, lightly bringing down the threads, would shape a
mantle as her fingers faced upward; then, with her thumb
facing the ground, she would turn her spindle, which is
weighted with a round weight. Then her tooth would always
even up the thread as she nibbled; to her dry lips there
would cling woolly morsels, which had earlier been strands
standing out from smooth thread. Also, before her feet,
small wicker baskets contained the soft fleece of white
wool. Then the Moirai, beating the fleece with a clear
sounding voice, uttered the following prophecies by divine
incantation, a song which no age of treachery will
thereafter prove wrong: You, Peleus, who increase the best
of the best with great examples of virtue, O guardian of
Emathia, most dear to Jupiter, hear what your sisters reveal
to you by the happy light of day, a truth telling oracle:
but you, the weighted spindles, follow these crossthreads as
prophecies; run, run as you lead them! To you, Peleus, the
evening star will come now, bringing things desired by
husbands; your bride, under a lucky star, will come to
suffuse your mind with persuasive love, ready to join with
you into languid little dreams as she offers her smooth arms
to your strong neck. You weighted spindles, run, run as you
weave the crossthreads of life! No house has ever sheltered
such lovers, no love has ever joined lovers with such a bond
as the harmony present for Thetis, the harmony present for
Peleus. You weighted spindles, run, run as you weave the
crossthreads of life! To the two of you Achilles will be
born immune to extreme fear, known by enemies not for his
back but for his stalwart chest. Quite often the winner in
the far ranging contest of running, he will outrun the fiery
swift tracks of a swift moving doe. You weighted spindles,
run, run as you weave the crossthreads of life! No hero will
compare to him in war when the Phrygian fields flow with
Teucrian blood, and as he besieges the Trojan town walls
during a war prolonged, the third heir of oath breaking
Pelops will lay them to waste. You weighted spindles, run,
run as you weave the crossthreads of life! At the funeral
rites of sons who opposed Achilles in battle, mothers will
often confess his outstanding virtues and famous feats as
they tear unkempt hair from their gray heads and bruise
their wizened breasts with their feeble palms. You weighted
spindles, run, run as you weave the crossthreads of life!
For just as a reaper, gathering closely packed ears of grain
before their time, mows the yellow fields under the burning
sun, Achilles will smite the bodies of Trojan men with his
hostile iron sword. You weighted spindles, run, run as you
weave the crossthreads of life! Spread out dispersedly from
the fast flowing Dardanelles, the Scamander River will
witness many examples of virtue; Achilles, narrowing the
Dardanelles' path with piles of bodies hewn, will warm the
deep rivers with gore indiscriminate. You weighted spindles,
run, run as you weave the crossthreads of life! Then Priam's
daughter as well will witness death when a rounded funeral
pyre, piled up in a lofty mound of rubble, will receive the
snowy limbs of the young girl smitten. You weighted
spindles, run, run as you weave the crossthreads of life! As
soon as Fortune gives the exhausted Greeks an opportunity to
dislodge Troy's surrounding walls, which Neptune built, the
deep tombs will become wet with the blood of Polyxena, who,
just as she submits as living sacrificial victim to the
Janus faced axe, already a corpse will fling her trunk onto
her bent knee. You weighted spindles, run, run as you weave
the crossthreads of life! Therefore, join together in
heartfelt love. May Peleus receive Thetis in happy bonding,
and now, after all this time, may the wife be delivered to
her eager husband! You weighted spindles, run, run as you
weave the crossthreads of life! Thetis' nurse, returning at
dawn, will be unable to fit the thread of yesterday around
the neck of Thetis, and the anxious mother of a quarrelsome
daughter will not sadly cease to hope for dear descendants
because her daughter sleeps apart from Peleus. You weighted
spindles, run, run as you weave the crossthreads of life!
Singing by way of preface such erstwhile happy songs of
Peleus, the Moirai sang with divine soul. For when
righteousness was not yet spurned, heaven's inhabitants used
to go to see the heroes' houses, free from wrong, and reveal
themselves in the guise of a mortal throng. The father of
the gods, paying his regular visit to the gleaming temple,
caught sight of one hundred bulls falling forward onto the
ground, since the yearly rites had come on the festal days.
Often, Dionysus, rambling on the utmost summit of Parnasus,
conducted the Maenads, with disheveled hair, shouting,
"Euhoe," since the people of Delphi, rushing from all over
the city and eagerly vying with one another, happily
received the god as the altars issued smoke. Often, Mars, in
a death bearing contest of battle, or Athena, mistress of
the swift Triton River, or Artemis urged armed squadrons on
in person. But after the earth was given its first
experience of unspeakable crime, and everyone expelled
justice from his greedy mind, brothers drenched their hands
in brotherly blood, the son ceased to mourn his deceased
parents, the father wished for the funeral of his youthful
son that he might freely enjoy the youthful beauty of his
unwed stepmother, and the mother, blasphemously offering her
son her sex, did not fear defiling the household gods with
sinful acts. All things, lawful or not, blended thoroughly
with malicious passion, diverted from us the just mind of
the gods. The gods therefore will neither visit our weddings
nor be illuminated by the bright light of day.
Taken with kind permission from Brendan
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