Carmen 58b |
Non custos si fingar ille Cretum,
non Ladas ego pinnipesue Perseus,
non si Pegaseo ferar volatu,
non Rhesi niveae citaeque bigae;
adde huc plumipedas volatilesque,
ventorumque simul require cursum,
quos iunctos, Cameri, mihi dicares:
defessus tamen omnibus medullis
et multis languoribus peresus
essem te mihi, amice, quaeritando.
Not if I were made the guardian of the Cretans,
not if I were borne by the flight of Pegasus,
not if I were a Ladas or wing-footed Perseus,
not if I were the snowy, swift team of King Rhesus;
add to all this feathered feet and the ability to fly,
and at the same time seek the speed of the winds
which you could harness and bestow on me, Camerius:
however, I would still be wearied in all the marrow of my bones
and eaten away by great exhaustion
from seeking you, my friend, for myself.
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