Carmen 21 |
Aureli, pater esuritionum,
non harum modo, sed quot aut fuerunt
aut sunt aut aliis erunt in annis,
pedicare cupis meos amores.
Nec clam: nam simul es, iocaris una,
haerens ad latus omnia experiris.
Frustra: nam insidias mihi instruentemtangam
te prior irrumatione.
Atque id si faceres satur, tacerem:
nunc ipsum id doleo, quod esurire
me me puer et sitire discet.
Quare desine, dum licet pudico,
ne finem facias, sed irrumatus.
Aurelius, father of hungers,
not only of these but of however many have ever been,
or are, or will be throughout the years:
you want to sleep with my boy.
Not secretly: for you\'re always with him, you joke around together,
attached to his side you try everything.
For although you plot against me,
I'll stick it to you first, my dick in your mouth.
Still, if that were enough, I would keep my peace;
I take offense now at this, that the boy will learn
from you (ah, me!) to hunger and thirst.
On account of which lay off, while you can do so chastely,
lest you should reach your end, but with a dick in your mouth.
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