Carmen 100 |
Caelius Aufillenum et Quintius Aufillenam
flos Veronensum depereunt iuvenum,
hic fratrem, ille sororem. hoc est, quod dicitur, illud
fraternum vere dulce sodalicium.
cui faveam potius? Caeli, tibi: nam tua nobis
perspecta ex igni est unica amicitia,
cum vesana meas torreret flamma medullas.
sis felix, Caeli, sis in amore potens.
Caelius with Aufilenus, and Quintius with Aufilena,
both madly in love with the brother, the sister,
the flower of Veronese youth. That as they say’s
truly sweet, that fellowship of brothers.
Who shall I favour more? You, Caelius, since
your friendship, alone, saw me through my passion,
when the furious flames scorched me to the core.
Be happy, Caelius, be successful in love.
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