Boetie! My china that brings us the old Castle draught,
fill my swak mug,
as it is ordered by that chickie Postimae,
pissed as she is beyond belief.
But you, amanzi, corruptor of utshwala, voetsek to where ever you want,
go to the old toppies. Dis hier is net lekker!
Boetie: (Afrikaans) Little brother/boy
My China: (English slang) My friend
Castle Draught: (English) Name of Beer
Swak: (Afrikaans) Bad, terrible
Chickie: (Afrikaans slang) Girl
Pissed: (English slang) Drunk
Amanzi: (Zulu) Water
Utshwala: (Zulu) African Beer
Voetsek: (Afrikaans) Go away! (V. Rude!)
Old Toppies: (Afrikaans slang) Old people
Dis heir is net lekker: (Afrikaans) This here is only sweet (good, great)