Author | Message | | Posted on Sun Jan 10, 2010 20:59:40 | |
| | What is it, Catullus? Why do you delay in dying? That pimple, Nonius, sits in the magistrate's chair; Vatinius perjures himself by his 'consulship'! What is it, Catullus? Why do you delay in dying? | |
| | Posted at Sun Feb 07, 2010 20:06:56 | Quote |
| | Thanks -- I will replace the old translation with the new one.
The old translation was:
What's happening, Catullus? Why do you wait to die? Nonius, the growth, sits in the curule chair, He may swear, by Vatinius, to have the consulship. What's happening, Catullus? Why do you wait to die?
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