Author | Message | | Posted on Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:03:36 | |
| | I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS POEM!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes no sense...what feeling does it evoke except for confusion!!!  | |
| | Posted at Tue Feb 13, 2007 05:24:43 | Quote |
| | It's definately sexual, but that's about all I can gather. | |
| | Posted at Tue Feb 20, 2007 18:39:43 | Quote |
| | This poem was written after Catullus finished his tour of duty in Bithynia. The poem is about spring restlessness soon to be satisfied by travel. Broadly it talks about the pleasures of anticipation. (Garrison, The Student's Catullus, 2004, pg. 119). | |
| | Posted at Thu Mar 22, 2007 22:08:32 | Quote |
| | Just read it out scanned in Latin - the rhythm of the meter totally carries you away - I don't know what's so complicated about feeling restless in the springtime, he wants to travel and see the Asian cities, and he says that the friends met together in Bythinia will all travel home by different routes. | |
| | Posted at Thu Apr 26, 2007 04:53:56 | Quote |
| | It was often very dangerous to stay in Rome (or in Italy, for that matter) in the summertime. Rome was a swamp- and the mosquitos inhabited it during the hot and humid months, spreading malaria and other diseases. Catullus, like others of the higher class, had a summer house in Asia, to which he loved going. This poem reveals his anticipation to travel the familiar roads to reach his beloved summer home in Bithynia. -MC | |
| | Posted at Sun Jan 10, 2010 20:22:10 | Quote |
| | MC's message is nonsense and can be ignored. You really need to know that Catullus has been waiting for spring, which will allow him to return home by yacht (see poem 4) after his year in Bithynia. How about:
Now spring returns balmy warmth, now The anger of the March sky tails off In pleasant breezes from the West. You should leave the plains of Phrygia, Catullus, and the rich soil of sultry Nicaea. Now your jittery mind longs to be off, now Your happy feet tap in anticipation. Sweet gang of comrades, goodbye; You who set out with me, and whom Different paths will variously take home.
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| | Posted at Thu May 12, 2011 11:56:37 | Quote |
| | the message from MC is indeed totally false | |