Author | Message | | Posted on Mon Dec 03, 2007 22:51:58 | |
| | It is our goal to collect here translations of Catullus' most famous poem (Carmen 85 Odi et Amo) in all languages of the world (and possibly major dialects). See this page for a list with all languages of the world.
So: if you have a translation of Odi et Amo in a language not here yet, please post it here. Also, if you know somebody that speaks a language in which Odi et Amo has not been translated yet, please ask her or him to translate the two lines and post the translation here.
Currently, we have the following versions of Carmen 85:
Latin Albanian Brazilian Port. Catalan Chinese (Mandarin) Croatian Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Finnish French Frisian German Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Rioplatense Romanian Russian Serbian Spanish Swedish Turkish Welsh
Though it may be difficult to get translations in all languages, it should be possible to get them in the 20 main languages. To achieve this, we still need translations into Bengalese, Arabic, Wu, Javanese, Marathian, Teluguian, Tamilian, Cantonese, and Ukrainian. If you have a translation of Carmen 85 in any of these languages, or know somebody that could make such a translation, please post it here! (Of course you may also post a translation in an alternative language) | |  | Site manager  |
| | Posted at Tue Mar 16, 2010 15:46:49 | Quote |
| | Quote: | | | | To achieve this, we still need translations into... Ukrainian. |
In my modest opinion:
テ青敕青オテ青ステ青ーテ青イテ青クテ青エテ青カテ柁 テ青ケ テ青コテ青セテ鯛ヲテ青ーテ打ス テ堕. テ「竄ャナセテ青ァテ青ク テ青シテ青セテ青カテ青サテ青クテ青イテ青セ?テ「竄ャナ テ「竄ャ窶 テ堕テ青ソテ青クテ鯛堙青ーテ鯛敕騨 テ鯛堙青ク. テ青敕青オ テ青キテ青アテ青ーテ青ウテ青ステ柁. テ青静青サテ青オ テ青カ テ堕 テ鯛テ青オ テ青キテ青ステ青ーテ打ス テ鯛 テ青シテ柁津青コテ青ク テ青イテ鯛禿青エテ鯛。テ柁津青イテ青ーテ打ス.
(c) puZ | |
| | Posted at Thu Mar 25, 2010 00:27:44 | Quote |
| | Interesting how the words hate/suffer & love/feel cross in the poem's structure | |  | Armondjg |
| | Posted at Thu Jan 12, 2012 05:46:11 | Quote |
| | Amo e odeio. Como テδゥ possテδュvel, podeis perguntar. Nテδ」o sei, mas sinto-o e faz-me sofrer.
Portuguese. | |
| | Posted at Thu Oct 23, 2014 15:49:46 | Quote |
| | In Polish version I believe it should sound more like: Nienawidzę i kocham, czemu tak, być może spytasz. Nie wiem, lecz czuję, że to się dzieje i jestem torturowany. | |
| | Posted at Sun Mar 01, 2015 16:35:00 | Quote |
| | | |
| | Posted at Tue Feb 09, 2016 19:41:25 | Quote |
| | | |
| | Posted at Tue Nov 01, 2016 15:52:37 | Quote |
| | Quote: | | | | In Polish version I believe it should sound more like: Nienawidzテ邃「 i kocham, czemu tak, byテ窶。 moテツシe spytasz. Nie wiem, lecz czujテ邃「, テツシe to siテ邃「 dzieje i jestem torturowany. |
Absolutely right - should replace the present version. | |
| | Posted at Mon May 15, 2017 02:06:29 | Quote |
| | Is fuath liom agus is breテδ。 liom. Cテδゥn fテδ。th a bhfuil mテδゥ テδゥ seo a dhテδゥanamh, b'fhテδゥidir leat a iarraidh. Nテδュl a fhios agam, ach is dテδウigh liom ag tarlテδコ テδゥ agus tテδ。 mテδゥ crテδ。ite.
Irish | |